Thursday 22 March 2012

GPRO Season 30

20th March 2012 saw the start of GPRO's 30th season, and what a season it would line up to be.. Forum frequenters Mark Webster and Keri Lovell took their places in Elite, 3 time champ Zdnek Hladik went down from Master to Pro, record breaker quad-champ Justinas Smysliajevas had lost his driver and would have his biggest challenge trying to mount a defence for this season.
And of course, I've promoted from the murky depths of Rookie into the shining light of the upper levels of GPRO, meaning my standing in the forums must be going up, yes?

So I figured now might be a good chance at resurrecting this old thing. There's a lot to talk about, and I've had various suggestions already, some more controversial than others.. Keep your eyes posted on the forums, and we'll see what happens in this pearl anniversary season of GPRO!

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